Sunday, January 26, 2014

Practice: Verb "to be"

Here's a link so you can practice to verb "to be"... Practice using am- is - are...

New Team Work: Making Your Own Store

This time our teams are working in making their own clothing store... with advertisements, coupons, sales etc. I enjoy having this kind of activities because it allows the students to interact with their classmates and they get to do different leadership positions to have an effective display at the end of their work. I'm looking forward to see their presentations and to see what they have develop in their own. I’m looking out for fluency in the vocabulary using clothing and sales approach. So far, so good!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Missing you!

I have been missing a lot of you in my class. Hope you are doing well... that is my main concern. I know I have one of you that lost your father during Christmas vacation. I'm sorry for your loss. I also want to let you know that if you are not planning to return to classes please return your reading books. I would really appreciate if you could do it as soon as possible. Another item to be returned is the ID card for Alas Latinas, so please if you are not planning to come soon ... return these items and if you come later on ... I will give them back to you. If you have been sick, since is the cold/flu season... stay healthy and hope to see you soon!!! ♥

English Is A Funny Language

Martin Luther King

Every third Monday in January is celebrated due to the activist of Civil Rights Martin Luther King Jr. I'm going to leave you with a link so you can become familiar with this day and who the person was. Important part of the history of the United States.
Martin Luther King

Spelling 14

This week's spelling list. Remember to practice writing your words. If you don't know the meaning find it in a dictionary.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Hope that everyone had a wonderful beginning for 2014!!! Waiting to see what exciting things we get to know, see and discover this year. Remember we are still in winter and you need to come with a warm coat to keep the cold weather away! Looking forward for a challenging class this 2014. We had only six students on our first day of 2014, I wish everyone will be healthy because there's a lot of head colds going around.